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Technical support Project for the development of actions towards the implementation of the National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS) for Guinea-Bissau in the context of REDD+


Overcome the main technical obstacles that prevent Guinea-Bissau from implementing a NFMS and materialize the preliminary steps of its climate change mitigation and development strategy (namely through REDD+ programs and NAMAs). The work developed contributed to respond to two specific challenges:

  • Promote ongoing activities of the REDD+ Working Group (RWG) by supporting technical training workshops and/or facilitating dialogue between the various actors involved, and

  • Collaborate with national stakeholders, RWG, and FAO consultants in the design of an inter-agency NFMS architecture.

Work Units


REDD+ Workshops | 2016                                                                                  FAO headquarters in Bissau

Overcome the main technical obstacles that prevent Guinea-Bissau from implementing a NFMS and materialize the preliminary steps of its climate change mitigation and development strategy (namely through REDD+ programs and NAMAs). The work developed contributed to respond to two specific challenges:


GIS Workshops | 2016                                                                           IBAP and FAO headquarters in Bissau

During the first workshop, the trainees had the first contact with technologies and methodologies for the production, interpretation, and manipulation of thematic cartography, namely with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technologies and Agroecological Zoning (AEZ). In the second workshop, the training included the analysis of forest inventory data and methodologies of remote sensing for forest monitoring. 

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